En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de 8th Street: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a 8th Street Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Aparcamientos - 117m - - gratuito 8th Street, 519 Aparcamientos - 380m - - gratuito 5th Avenue Aparcamientos - 366m - - gratuito Aparcamientos - 389m - - acceso privado Aparcamientos - 266m - Aparcamientos - 307m - - acceso privado 4th Avenue Aparcamientos - 353m - 4th Avenue Aparcamientos - 380m - 3rd Avenue Aparcamientos - 245m - - gratuito 6th Avenue Aparcamientos - 208mLot 86 - City of Huntington - acceso público - de pago 6th Avenue Aparcamientos - 151m - - acceso privado 8th Street, 528 Aparcamientos - 321m - - gratuito 6th Avenue, 702 Aparcamientos - 178m - - gratuito 6th Avenue Aparcamientos - 147m - - gratuito 8th Street Aparcamientos - 219m - - gratuito 6th Avenue Aparcamientos - 237m - - gratuito 6th Avenue Aparcamientos - 253m - - gratuito 6th Avenue, 704 Aparcamientos - 139m - - gratuito 5th Avenue Aparcamientos - 181m - - acceso privado 5th Avenue, 717 Aparcamientos - 219m - - acceso privado Aparcamientos - 230m - - gratuito 7th Street, 516 Aparcamientos - 150m - - acceso privado 5th Avenue, 731 Aparcamientos - 173m - - acceso privado 5th Avenue Aparcamientos - 305m - 5th Avenue, 636 Aparcamientos - 341m - 5th Avenue, 610 Aparcamientos - 356m - 5th Avenue, 610 Aparcamientos - 274m - - gratuito 6th Avenue, 840 Aparcamientos - 344mCentral Huntington Garage Taller de Automóvil - 344mQuality Auto Generations 6th Avenue, 703 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:30-17:00 Entradas a parking - 334mCentral Huntington Garage 5th Avenue Lavado de coches - 249mCourt House Detail & Car Wash 5th Avenue, 640 Alquiler de coches - 378mHertz 3rd Avenue, 757 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo,Fr 07:30-18:00;Tu,Th 08:00-17:30;Sa 09:00-12:00 Gasolineras, Estaciones de servicio - 191mSheetz 6th Avenue Horario de apertura: 24/7Comercio Ferretería - 544mGeneral Building Supply Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:30-17:00; Sa 08:00-16:00; PH off tienda de comercio - 244mColonial Food Service Equipment, Inc. 8th Street, 611 25701 Huntington lavandería - 235mVictor's Cleaners 6th Avenue, 729 25701 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-18:00; Sa 14:00-17:30 Telefonía móvil - 356mSprint 9th Street, 301 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:00-20:00; Fr,Sa 10:00-21:00; Su 12:00-18:00 Telefonía móvil - 389mVerizon 3rd Avenue, 898 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:00-21:00; Su 11:00-18:00 Telefonía móvil - 395mBoost Mobile 3rd Avenue, 739 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 11:00-15:00 Ropa - 270mHip Eagle 3rd Avenue, 809 Ropa - 326mDress for Success 9th Street, 541 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Tu-Th 10:00-17:00 Ropa - 348mMerle Norman 4th Avenue, 906 Ropa - 333mVillage Collection Boutique 9th Street Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 Ropa - 293mBow Love Boutique 9th Street, 408 25701 Huntington salón de belleza - 85mLyn-Zen Microblading 8th Street, 418 agente inmobiliario - 191mRealty Exchange 4th Avenue agente inmobiliario - 263mPancake Realty 5th Avenue, 909 agente inmobiliario - 369mH. E. Pilcher Co. 5th Avenue, 610 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-305-523-7724 artículos para la granja - 516mPullman Square Farmers Market 3rd Avenue Horario de apertura: May-Oct We,Sa 07:00-14:00 arte - 487mStudent Sales Gallery - Marshall University 3rd Avenue, 923 confitería - 308mPeace Love & Little Donuts 3rd Avenue, 803 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 07:00-20:00;Fr,Sa 07:00-22:00;Su 08:00-14:00 confitería - 384mPaula Vega Cakes 9th Street, 308 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 08:00-18:00 decoración de interiores - 280mWildflower 3rd Avenue, 809 decoración de interiores - 338mMMJ Interiors 9th Street, 313 25701 Huntington decoración de interiores - 349mSaad's Oriental Rugs 9th Street, 320 Horario de apertura: Tu-Fr 10:00-17:00; Sa 11:00-16:00 Librería - 579mEmpire Books & News Pullman Square, 26 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:00-21:00; Fr,Sa 10:00-22:00; Su 12:00-18:00 Peluquería - 94m8th Street Barbershop 8th Street, 519 Horario de apertura: Tu-Fr 10:00-19:00; Sa 10:00-14:00 Peluquería - 310mBelladonna Hairstyling Salon 9th Street, 535 25701 Huntington Peluquería - 304mRazor & Shear 9th Street, 406 25701 Huntington tatuajes - 262mRevolution tattoo 9th Street, 401 tatuajes - 305mEpicenter Tattoos 6th Avenue, 838 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 12:00-20:00 Sastre - 470mGeorge's Tailoring 4th Avenue Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:00-17:30; Sa 10:00-17:00 antigüedades - 426mThe Antique Mall 4th Avenue Joyería - 510mT. K. Dodrill Jewelers Inc. - Kirk Dodrill Pullman Square, 51 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-523-4748 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:00-18:00; Fr 10:00-21:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 tabaco - 507mLa Fontaine's Tobacco & Wine Shop 10th Street, 418 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 10:00-18:00; Fr 10:00-20:00; Sa 10:00-17:00 Regalos - 202mPet Palace 4th Avenue Boutique - 74mModern Daisy Boutique 8th Street, 418 Boutique - 100mRiver City Leather 8th Street, 418 tienda de jardineria - 85mThe Potted Edge 8th Street, 418 shop-vacant - 164m - 4th Avenue, 821 Muebles - 496mMackenzie-Dow 3rd Avenue, 923 herboristería - 437mLight Touch Healing Arts 3rd Avenue, 715 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo,Sa 12:00-18:00 vino - 253mBottled Up 3rd Avenue, 809 Bazar - 150mSheetz 6th Avenue, 740 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: 24/7 Bicicletas - 284mJeff's Bike Shop 6th Avenue, 704 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-522-2453 Horario de apertura: Jan-Feb Tu-Fr 10:00-18:00, Sa 10:00-15:00; Mar-Dec Mo-Fr 10:00-18:00, Sa 10:00-15:00; Su,PH off audífonos - 511mBeltone Hearing Aid Center 6th Avenue, 600 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-525-7221 suministros médicos - 518mMedical Arts Pharmacy 6th Avenue, 949 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00; Sa 09:00-13:00Restauración Restaurantes - 208mNew China Garden Buffet 6th Avenue 25701 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 11:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 11:00-22:30; Su 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 312mJim's Restaurant 5th Avenue Restaurantes - 355mSunset Grill 4th Avenue Restaurantes - 217mHibachi 4th Avenue, 841 Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 11:00-13:45,16:00-21:45; Fr 11:00-13:45,16:00-22:30; Sa 13:00-22:30; Su 11:00-20:45 Restaurantes - 379mRio Grande Mexican Restaurant 4th Avenue Restaurantes - 282mBackyard Pizza and Raw Bar 3rd Avenue, 825 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 11:00-22:00;Su 11:00-15:00 Restaurantes - 366mMarshall Hall of Fame Cafe 3rd Avenue Horario de apertura: Su-Th 11:00-22:00; Fr,Sa 11:00-23:00 Restaurantes - 300mThe Peddler 3rd Avenue Restaurantes - 241mNavarino Bay 3rd Avenue, 809 Restaurantes - 265mTaste of Asia Hibachi 3rd Avenue, 821 25701 Huntington Comida rápida - 273mFuel Counter 3rd Avenue, 809 Comida rápida - 329mMonty's Original Pizza Express 6th Avenue, 815 25701 Horario de apertura: Tu-Fr 11:00-14:00 Comida rápida - 312mHwy 55 3rd Avenue, 801 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: 11:00-21:00;Fr,Sa 11:00-22:00 Comida rápida - 286mCharlie Graingers 8th Street, 300A 25701 Huntington Cafeterías - 285mButter It Up 3rd Avenue, 803 Cafeterías - 288mVic's Ivy Cuisine 9th Street, 408 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 11:00-16:00 Cafeterías - 295mBodega Market & Cafe 9th Street, 335 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 11:00-14:00 Bares - 146mThe Lantern 4th Avenue, 817 Bares - 317mSummit Beer Station 9th Street, 321A 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Th 16:00-24:00, Fr,Sa 12:00-02:00, Su 12:00-22:00 Bares - 346mSip Downtown Brasserie 9th Street, 311 25701 HuntingtonOtros office-lawyer - 95mFredeking Biser Law Offices 8th Street, 511 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 180mRansbottom Law Office 5th Avenue, 715 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 300mHayflich 3rd Avenue, 803 office-lawyer - 304mSaad Dixon Law Offices PLLC 4th Avenue, 730 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 318mLamp Bartram Levy Trautwein & Perry, PLLC 4th Avenue office-lawyer - 288mDuffield, Lovejoy, Stemple & Boggs 9th Street, 522 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 279mEric Anderson Attorney at Law 9th Street, 418 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 282mFarrell, White, & Legg PLLC 5th Avenue office-lawyer - 248mLaw Firm of Kenneth P. Hicks 4th Avenue, 742 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 251mJenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC 8th Street, 325 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-523-2100 office-lawyer - 224mRaymond James 4th Avenue, 750 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 149mMelia Atwell Adkins, Randall D. Wall 5th Avenue, 731 office-lawyer - 120mLockwood & Lockwood 5th Avenue, 741 office-lawyer - 143mBouchillon, Crossan & Colburn 5th Avenue, 731 office-lawyer - 268mCabell County Public Defender Office 4th Avenue, 734 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 247mFlynn, Max, Miller & Miller, L.C. 5th Avenue, 909 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 374mRucker, Billups & Fowler, Inc. 9th Street, 308 office-lawyer - 372mMcQueen Davis LLC 9th Street, 308 office-lawyer - 273mSteptoe & Johnson PLLC 3rd Avenue, 825 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 113mBellomy & Turner 5th Avenue, 741 office-lawyer - 374mLaw Offices of Sammons, Olivero & Paraschos 6th Avenue, 652 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-522-7730 office-lawyer - 203mHenderson, Henderson & Staples, L.C. 5th Avenue, 713 office-lawyer - 270mJ. T. Meisel Attorney at Law 5th Avenue, 640 25701 Huntington office-lawyer - 289mChad D. Barry, L.C. Attorney at Law 5th Avenue, 638 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-522-8301 office-lawyer - 303mHatcher Law Office 5th Avenue, 636 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-523-3217 Servicios Sociales - 368mHarmony House 4th Avenue, 627 25701 Huntington office-insurance - 261mByrd Insurance & Financial 9th Street, 422 office-insurance - 386mState Farm – Jeff Smith 8th Street, 638 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 office-insurance - 314mGalloway Insurance 9th Street, 537 25701 Huntington shop-appliance - 417mDayton Appliance Parts 6th Avenue, 631 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-523-1990 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00; Sa 08:00-12:00 depósito de basura - 210m - compressed_air - 225m - - Sheetz - gratuito 6th Avenue Toilets - 271m - 6th Avenue, 704 Toilets - 272m - 6th Avenue, 704 shop-rental - 455mA to Z Rentals and Sales 7th Avenue, 826 25701 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:30 Venta de Helados - 293mAustin's 3rd Avenue, 803 shop-video_games - 459mGameStop Pullman Square, 9 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-21:00; Su 11:00-18:00 shop-nutrition_supplements - 411mGNC 9th Street, 289 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 10:00-21:00; Su 12:00-18:00 office-yes - 160mMountain State Centers for Independent Living 4th Avenue, 821 office-yes - 235mMedical Claims Assistance 4th Avenue, 836 25701 Huntington oficinas de instituciones educativas - 438mDepartment of Dietetics & Nutrition Education Program - Marshall University 3rd Avenue, 907,911,917 Mercados - 516mPullman Square Farmers Market 3rd Avenue Horario de apertura: May-Oct We,Sa 07:00-14:00 sport-laser_tag - 464mBattlearium 3rd Avenue, 917 25701 Huntington office-financial - 267mMundy & Associates 9th Street, 422 office-financial - 341mRBC Wealth Management 4th Avenue office-newspaper - 414mHerald Dispatch 10th Street centros sociales - 471mIUOE 4th Avenue, 636 25701 Huntington shop-wigs - 551mLulu's Hair Barn 7th Avenue, 630 25701 Huntington Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 11:00-18:00; Sa 12:00-18:00 office-it - 434mJust Tech 7th Avenue, 816 25701 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-525-4009 shop-piercing - 300mPrestige Piercing 6th Avenue, 838 office-estate_agent - 313mThe Nelson Trust 6th Avenue, 838 25701 Huntington Teléfonos - 80m - 8th Street, 511 Teléfonos - 352m - 3rd Avenue, 763 Teléfonos - 200m - - Frontier 4th Avenue events_venue - 211mThe Loud 6th Avenue, 741 25701 Huntington shop-e-cigarette - 237mVapor Bar 9th Street, 419 office-company - 264mCompton Office Machine Company 9th Street, 422 Papeleras - 104m - 8th Street Papeleras - 340m - 4th Avenue, 906 Papeleras - 218m - 9th Street Papeleras - 192m - 4th Avenue, 750 Papeleras - 183m - 4th Avenue Papeleras - 180m - 4th Avenue Papeleras - 177m - 4th Avenue Papeleras - 108m - 8th Street Papeleras - 184m - 4th Avenue Papeleras - 178m - 4th Avenue Papeleras - 301m - 9th Street, 335 Máquinas de vending - 197m - 4th Avenue Máquinas de vending - 343m - 4th Avenue, 906 Máquinas de vending - 237m - - Pepsi office-property_management - 392mMovement Mortgage Angel Lofts 4th Avenue bell - 202m - 4th Avenue oficinas gubernamentales - 94mFederal Building 8th Street, 502 25701 Huntington oficinas gubernamentales - 188mCabell County Clerk 5th Avenue, 750 Huntington Teléfono: +1-304-526-8625 Fax: +1-304-526-8632 oficinas gubernamentales - 164mCabell County Assessor office-charity - 224mCenter for Community Learning & Advancement 9th Street, 508 25701 Huntington office-charity - 394mRebicycle 4th Avenue, 621 25701 Huntington office-military - 323mMarines 4th Avenue, 901 25701 Huntington office-financial_advisor - 505mEdward Jones 4th Avenue estudio - 315mWSAZ 5th Avenue Reloj - 536m - Pullman Square Fuentes - 528m - Pullman Square shop-health_food - 257mTulsi 3rd Avenue, 809 office-association - 370mHuntington Symphony Orchestra 3rd Avenue, 763 25701 Huntington shop-collector - 361mBaseball Cards & More 3rd Avenue, 763 Horario de apertura: Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
8th Street